AKKO Protection Plans

Discover peace of mind with our industry-leading device protection plans, now partnered with AKKO. Say goodbye to long wait times and call centers; we handle repairs and replacements right in-store for your convenience. Trust us to keep your devices safe and secure, so you can focus on what matters most.

a robot with a red hat and a white shirt
a robot with a red hat and a white shirt


$5 /mo

  • Cracked screens

  • Internal parts

  • Battery failure

  • 2 Claims year




$8 /mo

$11 /mo

$15 /mo

  • Cracked screens

  • Internal parts

  • Battery failure

  • Accidental damage

  • liquid damage

  • 2 Claims per year

  • Cracked screens

  • Internal parts

  • Battery failure

  • Accidental damage

  • liquid damage

  • Loss & theft

  • 2 Claims per year

  • Protect 1 phone +

25 Other Devices

  • Internal parts

  • Battery failure

  • Accidental damage

  • Liquid damage

  • Loss & theft

  • Unlimited Claims


Screen Replacement:

  • iPhones: $29

  • Android: $49

  • Foldable Devices: $99

Other Damage & Replacements: $99

How does it work?

After signing up for an AKKO plan, you'll receive a text message prompting you to download the AKKO app. The app will guide you through a few basic questions about the device or devices you're registering. If you need to file a claim, you have the option to visit the AKKO web portal, use the app on your phone, or come into the store. Rest assured, your device will be repaired right in-store for your convenience.